
Introducing Aggretsuko – A New Sanrio Character!

Japan is a country that is well known for their overwhelming number of mascots and characters. Sanrio, the company which brings you adorable characters such as Hello Kitty and Rilakkuma, have introduced a brand new addition to the family. Her name is Aggretsuko.

Aggretsuko is a cute red panda, aged 25, and is an office worker. But don’t be fooled by her adorable exterior! When she gets frustrated, she takes all her anger out in heavy metal karaoke sessions.

This new character is a lot more relateable than people may imagine at first! Many fans of hard rock and heavy metal bands in Japan are women in their 20’s who work your usual office jobs.

Sanrio is definitely targeting a new demographic with Aggretsuko. What are your thoughts on this cute, but hardcore red panda? Let us know in the comments below!

Article written by:

Pirate Queen of TreasureBox PRESS; published poet, writer, and sometimes hobbyist singer. Loves shiny things and believes in the power of connecting the world through music.

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